What to Write in a Christmas Card - Best Christmas Messages

Celebrating Christmas with Family and Friends

Need help with how to write a Christmas card?

It's the same thing every year! You rack your brains wondering what you can write as a Christmas card message for your friends and family.

You certainly don't want to repeat what you wrote for them last year (or the years before that). So how do you come up with something new that they will love?

Christmas is a time to celebrate family and friends

Christmas is a time for family, friends, and loved ones. It's a time to celebrate and reflect on the year that has passed, and to look forward to the new year ahead. It's also a time for giving and receiving gifts / cards, enjoying delicious food, and spending time with those we love.

Giving and receiving traditional cards

So, if you're looking for ideas on what to write in your Christmas card this year, you've come to the right place. We've compiled some of the best Christmas messages to help get you started.

Whether you want something funny, heartfelt, or religious, we have something for everyone. So read on and find the perfect message to send your loved ones this Christmas!

Little girl writing a Christmas card

Tips for what to write in Christmas Cards

There are two main things that stand out for us as tips for writing Christmas cards. These are:

Be personal - While it's important to keep your message short, you also want to make sure it's personal. A generic "Merry Christmas!" message is fine if you're sending a card to someone you don't know very well.

But if you're sending a card to a close friend or family member, take the time to write a more personal message. Let them know what you love about them, or how much they mean to you.

Be mindful of religious differences - If you're sending a Christmas card to someone whose religious beliefs are different from your own, be mindful of that in your message. Maybe ask yourself, how do they celebrate Christmas?

Avoid using religious language if you're unsure whether the recipient will be offended by it. And if you are including a religious

Man wondering what to write in a Christmas card

You may ask: What do you write inside a Christmas card?

The answer, of course, is that it depends on who the card is for. For close friends and family, a simple message of love and gratitude is usually sufficient. But for others, you may want to take a more thoughtful approach.

For clients and business associates, for example, you may want to wish them a Happy Holidays and express your hope for a prosperous new year.

Whatever the case may be, the most important thing is to take a few moments to think about the person you're sending the card to and let your message reflect that.

After all, it's all about showing our loved ones how much we care. Let's take a look at types of relationships and some ideas to help you along the way.

Celebrating Christmas with someone special

A Christmas card to someone special?

When writing a Christmas card to someone special, you can go for a more personal and heartfelt message. You could write about how much they mean to you, or how grateful you are for their friendship/love.

  • To my special friend, I hope you receive everything you hoped for and more. Wishing you all the wonderful memories your heart can hold!
  • To my special loved one, may your Christmas time be merry and bright. This is just a little note to let you know that you're always in my thoughts and prayers.
  • To someone who means so much to me, I hope you have a magical holiday season filled with all the things that make you happy. You deserve it! Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart.

Seasons Greetings to Friends and Family

As another year comes to a close, it's a time to reflect on all that has happened and to express our gratitude for the people who have been by our side through it all.

Our close relations and friends are the ones who make us laugh, cry, and cheer; they are the ones who help us weather life's storms and celebrate its triumphs.

So this festive time, let's take a moment to let our loved ones know how much they mean to us. Let's reach out with a card and kind words. Because in the end, it's these little gestures of love and support that make all the difference.

  • Seasons greetings - may your holiday be filled with all the things that matter most
  • Wishing you a very happy Christmas, you're such a great friend!
  • I hope your holiday season is as wonderful as you are! Merry Christmas!
  • May the joy and magic of Christmas fill your heart and home. Merry Christmas, my friend!
  • Wishing your happy family all the love and happiness that this wonderful time of year brings. A very merry Christmas, from our family to yours!
  • May you have a truly merry Christmas! Love and hugs to you all, from our family to yours.
  • Sending you our merry Christmas wishes! We hope this holiday season is filled with laughter, love, and lots of warm memories. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Wishes

Do you want general Christmas card messages? Here are a few message ideas that can be used for almost any recipient:

  • Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!
  • Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
  • Wishing you a merry and relaxing Christmas!
  • Have a joyous Christmas and a happy New Year!
  • May all your Christmas wishes come true!
  • Season's greetings, I hope your Christmas is filled with love and laughter

Having fun this Christmas and laughing

Funny Christmas Card Messages

It's a time for joy and laughter, so it's ok to inject a little bit of humour into your message. Just be careful not to overdo it, or you might end up sounding cheesy or insincere. Unless that's your plan :-)

Below are some funny Christmas card ideas:

Short and Sweet Greetings

Sometimes less is definitely more! Your best friends & family don't want to read a novel - they just want to know that you're thinking of them and that you're wishing them all the best for the festive season.

So keep your message short and sweet with one of these hand-picked messages:

  • Merry Christmas! And best wishes for 2023.
  • Happy Holidays!
  • Season's Greetings!
  • Happy Christmas!
  • Best wishes for the Holidays!
  • Have a wonderful Christmas!

Baby's First Christmas

Baby's First Christmas Message

A baby's 1st Christmas is an unforgettable milestone for both baby and parents alike. It's a time to celebrate new life, reflect on family blessings, and look forward to a bright future.

If you're looking for the perfect message to write inside a baby's 1st Christmas card, here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Have a blessed Christmas and spend time with you're new little bundle of joy
  • May your beautiful family have a merry little Christmas.
  • We're so grateful to have you in our lives. You're the best Christmas gift we could ask for and you will make our holidays sparkle
  • Wishing you all the joy, love, and happiness that this wonderful time of year can bring. Merry Christmas!

Couple celebrating their first Christmas together

Couple's First Year Together

For a couple celebrating their first Christmas together, the holiday season is all about creating new traditions and memories. There are so many things to look forward to - decorating the tree, opening presents, spending time with family.

It's a time to reflect on the past year and all that you've accomplished together. And it's a time to look ahead to the future and all the wonderful things that lie ahead. Here are some message ideas that will capture the spirit of this special time:

  • Wishing you loads of love and laughter as you start your own holiday traditions together.
  • Wishing you all the joy of being newlyweds at Christmastime!
  • May every moment of your romantic Christmas morning together be magical!
  • Enjoy the little things, putting up the Christmas tree and spending Christmas day together!
  • Your relationship is a lovely thing and we hope it's the beginning of a lifetime of happiness!
  • Sending you lots of love this relaxing holiday season! Merry Christmas!
  • A cheerful note to wish you a holly jolly Christmas and a happy new year together!

Religious woman praying in church

Religious Christmas Messages for Friends and Family

Christmas is a religious holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. For many people, the holiday is a time to reflect on their faith and to express their love for God.

One way to do this is to write religious messages inside Christmas cards.

There are countless ways to craft a religious message, but some examples include quoting scripture or expressing gratitude for God's blessings.

Whatever the message, it is sure to be appreciated by those who receive it. And who knows? It may even inspire them to reflect on their own faith.

  • May your joyful Christmas season fill you with peace and love.
  • May your holiday be filled with all the joy, wonder, and love of this special time of year.
  • The Lord is holding your family close this Christmas
  • Celebrate the holy season with god by your side
  • Enjoy a peace and joy filled Christmas season
  • Baby Jesus loves you and sends you his religious Christmas wishes
  • May God's love lift your festive spirit

A heartfelt gift from a little girl

Example Heartfelt Message

Christmas is a great time to let your close family members and friends know how much you care about them. Christmas cards are the perfect way to show your loved ones that you are thinking of them and that you appreciate them.

Here are some ideas for heartfelt messages that you can include in your Christmas cards:

  • I love you and I am grateful for everything that you do for me. Merry Christmas!
  • Wishing you all the happiness and joy that this holiday season can bring. Merry Christmas!
  • May your holiday season fill your life with love, laughter, and happiness. Merry Christmas!
  • Thinking of you during this Christmas season and wishing you all the best. Merry Christmas!

Chatting online this Christmas

For Those Far Away

It can be tough to know what to say, especially if you don't see the person often. For those who live far away, Xmas can also be a time of loneliness.

A simple greeting card can go a long way towards making someone feel loved and remembered. When writing your message, be sure to include a heartfelt sentiment that expresses your love and affection.

Here are some festive ideas to get you started:

  • Wishing you all the happiness your heart can hold this holiday season! I'm so grateful to have you in my life, and I can't wait to reunite soon.
  • Merry Christmas from the UK! It's been too long since we've seen each other, but I'm hoping this holiday season will bring us a chance to catch up. Wishing you all the best in the meantime!
  • Thinking of you this Christmas season and hoping we can be together soon.
  • My Christmas wish is that we can see each other soon. Have a great Christmas!

Colleagues and co-workers partying with boss

Something to write for your co-workers or boss

Show your co-workers or boss how much you appreciate them this year. A thoughtful Christmas card is the perfect way to do just that! Try one of these examples:

  • I know it was you that sent me the secret Santa. It was the best gift, thank you!
  • Wishing you Christmas cheer and a happy new year! I hope Santa grants you some time off lol
  • Wishing you warmth and happiness this festive season. You deserve it after all of your hard work!
  • Thank you for being such an amazing leader/co-worker/mentor. I have learned so much from you and am truly grateful. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!
  • Thank you for making work fun and enjoyable. I look forward to another great year with you all.

Businesses at Christmas Time

Greetings for Business Christmas Cards

As the holiday season approaches, many businesses take the opportunity to show their appreciation for their clients with a holiday card.

While the gesture is always appreciated, trying to come up with the right message to include can be daunting. Don't let it be.

  • From all of us here at [company name], we wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. We are grateful for your business and look forward to continuing to serve you in the year ahead.
  • Wishing you all the joys of the season! Thanks for being such a great partner this year. We're looking forward to continued success together in the new year.
  • May your holiday season be filled with happiness, health, and prosperity. Thanks for being part of our team - we couldn't have done it without you!
  • Thank you for being such a great client. Wishing you all the best this happy holiday season.

Difficult Circumstances

It can be difficult to know what to say to someone who has experienced difficulty this year, especially during the holiday season.

However, a few thoughtful words can let them know that you are thinking of them and that you care.

  • Thinking of you during the holidays and sending you my deepest sympathy.
  • Wishing you strength during this difficult time. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  • May the love of family and friends help you through this tough time.
  • Remembering you and your loved one this Christmas. Wishing you peace and comfort during this difficult time.
  • Thinking of you at this special time of year. Wishing you strength and courage as you grieve.

Whatever message you choose, keep it short and simple. A few heartfelt words will mean more than a long, empty platitude.

Siging off on a Christmas card

How do you end a Christmas greeting card?

When you have decided on what to write in a Christmas card, you should then think about how to sign off with your very best wishes.

One way to end a Christmas greeting card is by wishing the recipient a Merry Christmas. This is a traditional way to end a card, and it conveys the sender's holiday cheer.

Another way to end a Christmas greeting card is by expressing hope for the upcoming year. This can be done by wishing the recipient a Happy New Year or expressing hope that the recipient's next year is better than the last.

What if you want something different and non-traditional or just need other ideas?

What to say instead of 'love from'

  • Best wishes
  • Warmest wishes
  • Thinking of you
  • Take care
  • Your friend
  • Have a good one!
  • All my love
  • God bless

End a card from a family's last name

When you sign off a card from a family's last name, it can be heartwarming, special and memorable. It can also show you're thoughtful and have excellent manners.

The best way to sign off a card from a family's last name is with "Sincerely, The Smith Family." This shows that you're thinking of them as a unit and not just as individuals. It's also polite and professional.

You can also choose to write "Warmest Regards, The Smith Family" if you want to add a personal touch. Either way, signing off a card from a family's last name is a great way to show them how much you care.

Multiple families

How do you sign a card from two families

When it comes to signing off a card from two families, there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, make sure to include both families in the message. Second, if you're sending the card to specific people in each family, address each person by name.

Finally, if you want to get really creative, you can use a pun or play-on words to sign off the card. Whatever you choose, just make sure it comes from the heart.

  • Happy holidays from the Smiths and the Joneses!
  • Merry Christmas, Aunt Lisa and Uncle Bob! Love, Sarah Smith and John Jones.
  • Wishing you all the joy of the season - from our families to yours!

So, what's the best message?

It really does depend on who the card is for. Everyone knows me as a bit of a joker so they would expect something funny, witty or even sarcastic from me.

Maybe something funny about Christmas carols like "We wish you a meowy Christmas" or even "Chest and nuts roasting by an open fire". I almost died laughing when I saw these!

Hey Chimp! Personalised Cards for Xmas

May your holiday be merry and bright

Spread the Christmas spirit with joy and laughter this festive time and keep things light-hearted. Human connections are very important, so let your friends and family know you're thinking of them with a personalised card...

View our range of Christmas Cards...

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Guides on What to Write in Greetings Cards